Out of all the kids Lizzie was the most scared to get her shots. We were thinking one of us was going to have to hold her down...(we had to one time when she got her blood drawn!) She got to go first and there was no screaming coming from the room and she came out with just a few tears, nothing that a sticker and a piece of candy couldn't fix!
After Lizzie, Timothy went, and he was very excited for his shot. He kept saying to me, "Mommy can I have a shot please!" He had to idea what a shot was, so I guess he thought he was getting a treat! Ray took him in and he did scream a little but as soon as I said candy the tears stopped and he loves his band-aids!
You can hardly see the band-aids in this picture, but he was so excited I took his picture with his new band-aids! SO next was Benjamin and of course he had no idea was was going on! But he did good and like everyone before him the candy made it all worth it!
Benjamin still looks kinda dazed from the shot/crying in this picture! And last of the kids to go was our toughest kid...Parker! Of course he walked in there like this was going to be nothing with a "I'll show you" attitude and of course he didn't cry!
After the kids Ray and I went and we didn't cry at all! But I did get three shots and they did hurt! Our next shot day is next Friday and that should be interesting since now the little kids know what to expect!