Thursday, August 27, 2009

I think I might be crazy

Okay so here is why.... I love all things free and cheap. Now that is not what makes me crazy, it is the reaction to all things free and cheap. Take today for example, I had 2 coupons for these nut cluster things, they were for a $1 off and they are on sale for 2 for $5. Okay so if you just get one, and Homeland doubles the coupon you get it for $.62! Are you kidding me, thats great! Well here is where the problem lies, when I went to the first Homeland they were out. My heart sank. I this total sense of anixty wash over me.... I had to get to other Homeland before they ran out.

I rushed across town, got the kids out of the car and ran around the store like a crazy person looking for these cluster things! I found them, they were not out....I could breath again! I bought two packages, thats all the coupons I had. If I would have had more, believe me there would be more at my house.

Well, Ray will tell you that this is a theme all through my life. I will go anywhere for a free meal. If there is food involved and I don't have to pay...I'm there. That is how Ray gets me to go to sporting events, his bank always has food before games, so I'm there.

Once Target had a coupon for a free candy bar. I went to Target all the time trying to get these candy bars, by the time the sale was over I had a collected at least 40 candy bars. The thing is, there was only gross flavors, but I bought them was free what else was I gonna do? So I gave some away, I ate some and in the end I threw a bunch away because they went bad. I don't know what else to say, I guess I should apologize for being so greedy, and wanting everything free I can get, but I'm not. Maybe I should go see a therapist....don't be crazy, that costs money

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Potty Trainging day 2....I quit, i give up!

Well we started day 2 off just like day one, full of excitement and anticipation...for the candy! He took his diaper off and went right in the potty, I had such high hopes for the rest of the day. I was going to babysit my neice Emily today, who is also potty training, I thought how hard can that be? Boy, oh boy, I had no idea! It seemed as if they had to go to the bathroom at the same time, but Emily didn't want Timothy in the bathroom with her, even though he was on is own potty. But I couldn't have two potty trainers in different rooms going by themselves, oh my! SO Emily keep telling Timthy no and then he started in on her. It was very funny.

Well here is where it gets messy...I mean that literally. For those of you who get grossed out by poop, stop reading now! Okay so they both had to poop at the same time, Emily on the big potty, Timothy on his little potty. Things were going good, Timothy went but Emily was still trying. Timothy said he was done so I cleaned him up and he got off the potty. I left the room for just a second to get a wipe for Emily and then I hear the screaming start.

Emily is off the potty, Timothy is crying, and there is poop on the floor, and on Timothys foot. I guess when he said he was done, he was wrong. This was very upsetting to Emily. ( I can't really blame her.) So poor Emily had to stand there and watch as I cleaned Timothy off , and she never did poop!

I'm not sure if we are going to try again tomorrow. I think I have some time still before we have to get it done. I'm guessing he will be potty trained before he gets married, and if not it won't be my problem anymore...

Monday, August 24, 2009

Potty training day over!

Oh my, that is all I really want to say about today. Today was Timothy's first day of potty training, and it did not go as I had plannned. Let me give you some back story on Timothy and the potty....

For a few monthes now he will tell us sometimes that he wants to sit on the potty, or if we were to put him on the potty he would go. There has even been days his diaper has stayed dry because he was using his potty. Now we never have been consistent with it, so it has never lasted. Okay so this takes us to today...

He was very happy to start this morning, he took his diaper off right away, sat on the potty, and went! So he got his m&m. Well we went down hill from then on! We watched Dora for awhile (thats another story!) and he sat on his potty. He got up when Dora was over and went potty on my leg! I guess my screaming stopped him because he finished in his potty! That was his only accident, so I guess I should be thankful for that! Well the day just got worse and worse, he cried because he wanted the candy, he cried and cried for the candy. When I told him he had to potty first that just made him mad. He was mad at everyone. He pushed poor Benjamin off his potty, because he didn' want him to touch it. Before you start thinking thats gross, why would I let my baby touch a potty, well it has a lid and Benjamin was climbing up it!

So as far as tomorrow goes, I'm not sure. I still have m&ms left, which really is a miracle because I have been eating any candy I can get my hands....hmmm I wonder if....

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day...

Well at least that is what I am hoping for tomorrow. Today was a looong day! We had some grocery store problems, oh my there were problems! There was biting, running around, Parker even put a box on his head to pretend to be a robot. I think we were close to being asked to leave. We went to Aldi, for those of you that have never been there you have to bag your own things, and bring your own bags! Well by this time I am close to tears and the little ones are a bit cranky. Picture this, two crying kids desperately trying to wiggle out of their buckles in the double stroller, while the other 2 put boxes on their heads and bump into each other while they are being robots. And there I am, one mother who looked like she was going to lose it.

Needless to say we made it out of the store and back home. I did bring all the kids home with me even though I felt like leaving one or more of them at Aldi....special on aisle 5. So my little trouble makers spent the rest of the day in their rooms. Well my big trouble makers stayed in there rooms, I still have to watch the small trouble makers! Its funny that even when they are in trouble they still ask me for things, like can we have candy...sure!

They are asleep now, so I can go into their rooms, or if its Benjamin then the bathroom (long story) and look at them and forget about the headache they caused, and the tears they almost brought, and the frustration that comes with raising kids, and the ....maybe I havn't forgotten yet!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

48 count Crayola Crayons

I don't think these really exist. Let alone 2 boxes of them, which is on Lizzies school supply list. I have searched every store for a pack of 48 crayons, which I happen to pronouce crowns, much to the dismay of my husband. Never mind about that! So I have been looking everywhere for them. Each time I go to the store, which is several times a week, I look in the school supply section. They don't have them. There is not even a section for where they could have been, like there was a mad rush for them and they are now sold out.

So I had to buy a box with only 24 crayons in it. Well the school supply list called for 2 boxes of 48. I only bought 2 boxes of 24. Have a crossed a line? Have a made a school supply faux pas? Do I need to buy 4 boxes of 24 count crayons to make up for the short fall?

Will Lizzie start the first grade with a black mark because her mom didn't buy enough crayons?I guess we will have to see. Its only 1st grade....

Monday, August 10, 2009

Life in Waiting!

So its now been almost 2 weeks in the apartment, thats 6 people in 1000 sq. feet of living space. I think we are all used to it, I may be having the hardest time with it! To get four kids in the car, is not fun when you have a walk a small distance to your car! I think of the things that I took for granted living in a house, like checking the mail, or taking the trash out! All I had to was walk outside my house, not here, here I have to walk somewhere else.

We walked by our old house tonight, it was kind of bitter sweet for me. On one hand I am so thiankful to have sold it, but then I think of the other family in MY house, and I want it back! But as time goes on, and I look at the bigger picture I know its the right thing.

The hardest part is waiting, waiting to do what God has called you to do. Wondering when that will be. Its like being stuck in limbo! All we can do is wait, and know we are waiting for the right time, for Gods time. But what do you do when Gods time doesn't match up with your time?? Thats the hard part.