Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Potty Trainging day 2....I quit, i give up!

Well we started day 2 off just like day one, full of excitement and anticipation...for the candy! He took his diaper off and went right in the potty, I had such high hopes for the rest of the day. I was going to babysit my neice Emily today, who is also potty training, I thought how hard can that be? Boy, oh boy, I had no idea! It seemed as if they had to go to the bathroom at the same time, but Emily didn't want Timothy in the bathroom with her, even though he was on is own potty. But I couldn't have two potty trainers in different rooms going by themselves, oh my! SO Emily keep telling Timthy no and then he started in on her. It was very funny.

Well here is where it gets messy...I mean that literally. For those of you who get grossed out by poop, stop reading now! Okay so they both had to poop at the same time, Emily on the big potty, Timothy on his little potty. Things were going good, Timothy went but Emily was still trying. Timothy said he was done so I cleaned him up and he got off the potty. I left the room for just a second to get a wipe for Emily and then I hear the screaming start.

Emily is off the potty, Timothy is crying, and there is poop on the floor, and on Timothys foot. I guess when he said he was done, he was wrong. This was very upsetting to Emily. ( I can't really blame her.) So poor Emily had to stand there and watch as I cleaned Timothy off , and she never did poop!

I'm not sure if we are going to try again tomorrow. I think I have some time still before we have to get it done. I'm guessing he will be potty trained before he gets married, and if not it won't be my problem anymore...

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