So is butt a bad word? Last night we were all in the car, Ray and I were talking about church growth and church planting, then from the back seat I hear our oldest call out " the only thing I am planting is my butt on the couch." My first reaction was ahhh that's a bad word and not very funny. But then I thought about it and it was kinda funny. So why was I so upset about the word butt?
In my house growing up we were not allowed to say butt, it was a bad word. I never asked why, I never really questioned it. I did say it, and I'm sure I got in trouble for it. But no matter what I knew I was not supposed to say it. Well I carried that over to my family. My kids were not allowed to say butt. This was kind of a problem because Ray says butt (sorry honey, I had to call you out on that!) so my kids thought they can say it too. I felt like i was fighting an up hill battle.
So I did some research this morning, well really I just googled why is butt a bad word! And I found that is really not a bad word, there are a list of 8 words that people really consider bad words, and butt is not one of them. It is short for the word buttocks and that is not a bad word. Along with things like "oh my gosh" or "freakin" or any other slang word. We say these things in my house and most of us are pretty okay. Do people think butt is a "gate-way" word into a life of cussing? I think not....its just a word.
So in my house we will say the word butt, and say it proudly...just not around my mom!
Posted by RAYF at 6:01 AM
I agree that it is ok, we allow this and quite a few other words that growing up were "cuss words" like suck, freaking, butt, "What the" (nothing following!) I say "what the cow" or other fitting words all the time. I know Our moms are always getting on to us for it but that just makes me allow it that much more, Like My mom hates freaking, My step mom hates Sucks, and Wendy's mom hates all the above... LOL. I put my efforts towards the more important things "pick your battles" with things like drugs, sex, and alcohol, responsibility, and honesty.