Let me back track a bit. The IMB has provided us with a wonderful place to live. Most of the housing here is block apartments. They are really not bad, but for the size of our family it would have been difficult. So we live in a nice house that even has a yard for the kids to play in. But it just didn't feel like "my place".
Something had to change. We talked about changing the wall colors and stuff like that but in the end we thought we would wait. And I don't think the paint would make me feel more at home. Our living room is pink and our kitchen is green. That may sound strange, but having those colors are better then having white...anyway!
Our kitchen floor was tile. It was actually tile that was for a wall, not for the floor. The tile was cracking and the grout was coming up. That was a huge problem because there were pieces if grout all over the floor and when I would try to sweep my floors food would get stuck in the places where the grout was supposed to be....so gross!
So we were told we could get new floors!! I didn't really want tile again so we started looking at the laminate wood floors and I fell in love! But I wasn't sure of the cost and if it would work in the kitchen and all that stuff.
I was so happy when I found out it would be okay. Ray went and bought all the stuff and he picked out the best color, I loved it as soon as I saw it....here is all the boxes of flooring for our kitchen and living room....
Here is the kitchen with the sink and some cabinets taken out. See how gross the floor is? You probably can't tell by this picture, but the floor was pretty bad.
Now the living room floor wasn't coming up, and it wasn't bad at all. It was just ugly! But since we were not spending very much on the floors we were able to do both rooms. Here is the living room before...
Isn't it wonderful! It really has changed the entire look of our house and it has changed my attitude as well! I think it feels warmer now, more like a home and less like a place we are just staying! Plus it is warmer, like heat warmer! Our tile floors were so cold and with winter here that was no fun. Now Angela our babysitter and Cristina my language teacher are no longer giving me a hard time for not wearing socks! It is almost a crime here to go barefoot, and I do not like to wear socks very much! Anyway, this is my new house and I love it!
BECKY!!!! I absolutely love it!!! Y'all have made the place look soooo cute!!!!!