Friday, February 12, 2010

My love story

Since Valentines Day is Sunday I thought I would tell the story of Ray and me, and the reasons I love him so much.

Ray I met in 4th grade, and it was love at first sight....right! I don't think we really liked each other very much! In fact I didn't like him, like him until middle school. One day he can up to me during lunch and said..."will you go out with me?" And I thought well I have nothing else to do, so sure and the rest is history...kinda! Of course that didn't last long! We remained friends all through school and after we both graduated from high school.

Ray moved out of state with the Army after graduation so we would talk on the phone every so often, or write letter, and I still have some of those letters! One day he called and said he had moved back, and he wated to come see me. He pulled up in front of my house and that was it for me. We were married 8 monthes later!

I love Ray for lots of reasons, but here a a few:
1: He loves me and loves our kids
2: He can sing...and he can rock amything from Tody Mac to Led Zeppelin
3: He is passionate about things
4: He makes me laugh all the time
5: He wants me to be happy...well expect last week when what would have made me happy were these super cute heels for Dilliards...and he thought I didn't need them!
6: He loves God and wants everyone to know Him
7: He thinks my jokes are funny...even when no one else does...which is alot!
8: He eats whatever I cook...even if it doesn't taste good he will eat it because he doesn't want too hurt my feelings
9: He brings me candy when he thinks I have had a long thoughtful!
And 10: He loves me for me...and wants me to be me, and not anything else

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