Thursday, February 11, 2010

stop scratching your butt....

I love that my kids are embarrassed by me, well my older kids! When I sing and dance they just leave the room, or ask me to stop. I wonder if they know that I will do it more because I know they don't like it.

I do not love that my kids embarrass me though! Like my kids who take great joy out of tooting in public, or the ones who will seriously stick their hand down the back of their pants to scratch their, I am not kidding! Oh how I do love them!

I'm sure my parents were embarrassed by me to many times to say...and mom please don't say! I can promise you of all the things I have done, I have never scratched my public! There was the time in middle school I shaved the back of my head, because I thought it was cool, as it turns out, it was not very cool! I have seen enough pictures of myself from middle school and younger to know that I dressed like a fool...thanks for that mom.

So I guess what goes around comes around as far as kids go! I hope my kids don't give me as much trouble as I gave my parents, but I think I turned out pretty good, but who am I to say! I sure I will continue to sing to loud,and dance to much and just all around make my kids crazy, and they will continue to scratch their butts and pick their noses in public...they must have learned these things from their Dad!

1 comment:

  1. Of course they learned those things from Ray! And you know you have always been wonderful since Ray has loved you SINCE middle school :)
