Ummm this is power lines! And then there seems to be one or two just hanging down to the ground! You can see this crazyness all over town! I'm sure it is more organized then it looks....right?
And then there was this....
This picture didn't turn out because I had the flash on, but if you look really close it says Pastrama Crap! I took this picture at the grocery store and I took it really fast because I didn't want someone yelling at me in Romanian...which is why I left the flash on...when you are being sneaky it is hard to stop and turn the flash off!
And then there was this....
This was not a good day for pictures for me, but this is a horse and wagon going right along with the traffic in down town Bucharest! I take pictures of these every time I see them, I am obsessed with them! I can get used to seeing this wagons in the small villages, but seeing them in a big city is still so surprising to me! And I love them!! I just wish it wasn't so hard to get a picture of them, every time Ray and I try it just never turns out...those horses move pretty fast! And last on my list of crazyness is this....
this is all the laundry I washed and folded today! Just to put this picture into perspective, this is a king sized bed and it is covered in laundry! But at least it is all done!
wait - why are you folding all the laundry? you have others who are capable in the house. love the pictures though - it's a neat glimpse in what you see!