Ray has been sick off and on for going on three weeks now. It has been a lots of diarrhea (which I blogged about a few posts ago) and fevers and aches and all that stuff. Well like the good wife I am, I was getting worried and I wanted him to go to the doctor. He had emailed back and forth with a doctor friend of ours who I think is a wonderful doctor, but I just wanted him to have a once over by someone in person! Plus I was feeling sorry for our friend....how many emails a day can you read about how someone poop smells....gross!
So I made Ray an appointment at a private hospital (because that's how we roll) to see a doctor, who thankfully spoke English. Before we went Ray was a little apprehensive because he didn't want them to do a bunch of tests and all that. I told him don't worry, you will be in and out in no time with a prescription for antibiotics and that's it. I was wrong!
As soon as she found out Ray had been on antibiotics and then still had a fever she was worried and she needed to find out why. But first I would like to talk about the thermometer. She pulled this thing out a drawer and then stuck it under Rays arm. no cleaning it, or putting something over it!(I took a picture of it when she left the room so I could put it in my blog!)
Anyway at the time she took it, it was only 99 degree's and she was very concerned! She wanted to run tests, oh no! Well she wanted to do an abdominal ultrasound, and then a chest x-ray...here is the picture of it, I also took this when she left the room...I am very sneaky!
But my favorite part of all of this is when we went down to the lab to do his blood work, yes that's right there was blood work too. Anyway when we went down for it they couldn't speak English very well, but I did understand this...."in this one you put your poop, and in this one you put your pee pee!! But wait, she pulled out three different ones Ray has to put his poop in....love it!! And of course I took a picture of what he has to put his poop and pee pee in...and just so you know the ones with the blue lids and the clear lid are for poop and the red ones are for pee!
And don't worry, I won't take pictures of them after Ray makes his deposit in them! Like I said a the start of this blog I have no boundaries and there poor Ray has no boundaries!
Ray also came home with a bunch of medicine, and no real answers about anything except that he may have the flu...
Oh and we found out Ray has a heart murmur...which is weird because last time we took Lizzie to this hospital we found out she had a heart murmur....hmmm!
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