with a little people toy floating in my coffee. Thanks Benjamin! He thought this was the best thing ever, and after I fished this one out, and by the way I kept drinking the coffee because I have discovered how to add this and that to my coffee to almost make it taste like it has yummy creamer in it...almost! So anyway, he kept trying to put more little people in my coffee....it was a long morning trying to rescue little people from my coffee and keep my coffee from Benjamin!
We also had language class today. We are gone most of the day, from 9:30-4:00. So I was also feeling lots of anxiety about all I had to do today. Lets just say laundry for 6 people doesn't do itself! I know there are people out there with a bigger familys then mine, and I feel for you!
Anyway, I had two loads in a laundry basket that needed to be folded, I had a load in the dryer that needed to be folded and then I had a load on our drying rack that needed to go into the dryer for a few minutes to get soft.....that brings me to this....
But the good news for today is that I found pumpkins for all the kids. Parker and Lizzie's school were selling them so I bought all the kids one so we can paint them....
And when you end up with that, you do this....
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