Saturday, October 2, 2010

just another day!

Well today was a pretty busy day. This morning I went to a hospital that has babies that are left there by their parents. I went there with some other people to hold and feed the babies. There were babies who had no problems, and then some babies who were handicapped. These babies at the hospital are so sweet and just not taken care of. They are not really held, and they are only bathed once a week. There is a group of people who have made this their ministry and they are there every day taking care of these forgotten children. I hope to go again.

On a lighter note I had a busy day inside my house as well....I made granola bars


I can't find these here, maybe they are somewhere, but I can't seem to track them down. So I have found them to be super easy to make, this was my second attempt. And I saw this several times today, actually I see this several times everyday! It makes me feel bad for taking my dishwasher at home completely for granted...Oh to have it now!

We also had a friend over to play. His name is Alex and he lives down the street. He comes to gate every few days to ask if the kids can play. He doesn't speak English and Parker and Lizzie speak very little Romanian so it is pretty fun to watch them play. Today he stayed for a long time. He usually only comes for about 1/2 an hour but today I think he was here for 2 hours!

See how bundled up he is? Parker is wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Here in Romania parents bundle up their kids even if it is a little chilly! And your child better be wearing a the sun when it is 95 degrees or when it starts to get 65 degrees! These people love their hats!

Now the kids have started to fight, actually while I am writing this post Parker and Lizzie were having it out! But did I stop writing and take care of I didn't!( Some times they need to solve their own fights....right??) Now it is time for the count down to bedtime....

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