Friday, October 15, 2010

the schooling of Becky Foreman....lessons I have learned today!

It was a slow day around here today. Well as slow as four kids, cleaning, grocery shopping and a million loads of laundry can I had some time to think about lots of stuff, and this is what I learned today

1) If Benjamin takes his diaper off before I am ready to change him, there is a 100% chance he will pee on my new, hand wash only sweater!

2) With in 5 minutes of cleaning the toilets someone is going to poop in 1 of them...or some days all of them!

3) If I feel the need to drive down the street and pick my nose, it is completely acceptable here!

4) This is a math problem: 5 blankets on my bed + 1 husband with really bad gas= one smelly bed in the morning!

5) My husband is a good sport!

6) I walked around for a unknown amount of time with my pants unzipped...

7) When my children loose their teeth I should just hand them the money right then...I make a terrible tooth fairy. Parker woke up this morning with his tooth still under his pillow and I had to double my payment for the tooth out of guilt!

8) My children don't think that I can rap very well....but then I also realized they must be crazy....word to your mother!

9) and i was going to end it with the last one until I looked down and saw my pants unzipped again....what is going on here!

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