So to start off the excitement of a new blog post everyday, I thought I would blog about our dinner tonight! We had might be thinking tacos, who cares, big deal....well I care and it is a big deal! Making tacos here has proved to be a challenge for me, how sad is that! Tacos is something we used to have once a week, we have had it here maybe 4 time.
So they are different because for starters I don't use hamburger meat because it can be very yucky. You have to pick out chunks of fat and maybe some bone every now and then. It makes me think of my friend Mrs. T and the issues she has with meat! Any who, so we use ground pork, and I don't have to pick out any yucky-ness!
Also there are the tortillas, which you can buy here, but they cost about 10 lei for 10 tortillas, well that is great and all, but there are 6 people in my family and I have some hungry sweet Lizzie doesn't eat as much as them, and would let her brothers eat the last one instead of her! So I make them. I can get more bang out of my buck, and lets be honest, I need my dollar, or I guess in this case my lei to stretch as far as it can. So here is a picture of my tortillas all rolled out waiting to be cooked....
And then there is the matter of all the side dishes. Well you can't open a can of refried beans, I had to re fry my own beans...can you imagine! But I knew this was possible because a friend of mine who I will call Mrs. C has made them for me before! Then there is the rice, I'm not a rice maker. When we lived in Oklahoma I would have walked down the aisle at the good old Wal-mart and find the Spanish rice mix that was the cheapest....gotta love Great Value! No such luck here. I had my own white rice and I had to make it look like Spanish rice...all by myself!
All of this took me about 1 1/2 hours to make and I think we were do eating in maybe 15 minutes....but it was worth it! Stay tuned to see what happens tomorrow! It really should be interesting, I am going to a children's hospital to see about rocking some babies!
i'm proud of you!!! umm.. the meat issue sounds interesting! i am very impressed with your improvisation on the meal!