Thursday, October 21, 2010

shop from your car....

When stopping at any given stop light here in Bucharest you never know what or who you might find. There are people who will clean your windows...even if you don't want them too, and there are people asking for money. And then there are my favorite people....the people selling stuff.

These people will walk up and down in between the cars selling there stuff. It could be anything. Sometimes its air freshener for you car, or something to repair a scratch on your car. It could be little purses or umbrella hats....really its anything and everything. But this is my favorite person who sells things on the street.....

He is always at this stoplight and I have never had the chance to get a picture of him....until today...lucky him! It even looks like he is smiling for his photo! I just love the fact that he is wearing his goods! This is the only person I have ever seen here doing this. Most of the time they are just caring their products....but not this guy. This is hands free selling at its best.

I should also tell you this is illegal which also makes this method of selling things very smart. He is holding nothing, he can truck it out of there before the police can even blink....not that I think it is right that he is breaking the law....but I do think if you are going to break the law its pretty cool to do it with products strapped to yourself....

I only wish I knew what it was he was selling...I might be interested in buying something. I wonder if I do buy something from a street seller person if that means I am breaking the law too....getting arrested for buying an umbrella hat would be super hard to explain!

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