My sweet Lizzie has taken to writing stories, just little stories she keeps in a small notebook. She got a new little bear notebook at school on Friday and she was very excited about it. She also has this bear she made at Build a Bear that she loves. So today she wrote a little story about bears that we just thought was too funny....
If you can't see the picture very well, this is a story about how much Lizzie loves bars....not bears! Granted it is a spelling mistake made by a 7 year old, but it was so funny to Ray and I! Yes, we are those kind of parents, we laugh at our kids....because we think they are funny! I hope this little story is not a peak into her future...
So I also enjoyed some simple things today like coffee...and Carmel Vanilla coffee creamer!
And yes I took a picture of is one of my very favorite things!
I unfortunately have not learned how to hold back so that I can make my creamer last longer...I seem to think it will last forever and then I am shocked when the container is sad is that statement! I will be very unhappy when this is gone because it is my last container....I need to stop drinking 4 cups a day I guess! But when my day starts before the sun I kinda need it, thanks to Benjamin....
We also had team worship at our house tonight. We meet with our team once a month and worship together and have dinner. We have had it at our house the last 3 times. You might be, the Foreman's are such great people to open their house up to so many people once a month....well it is mostly out of selfishness we do this! We are the only ones here with small children, and most of you know that my small children make big messes and lots of noise. So the thought of us taking them to someone else nice neat kid free house is enough to make a clean my house extra nice once a month! Another bonus to having it at our house is I get to keep leftovers....and tonight it was Domino's pizza. Here are some pictures I snapped while people were still eating and just hanging out!
This next week is back to the grind for Ray and I, we haven't done language school since last Monday because my mom was here and then Ray was sick. We also have to take Lizzie to the doctor Tuesday to have a ultrasound down on her heart since they detected a murmur during a physical she had to have done for our visa's. It should be a busy week! Now I need to pack my kids lunch for tomorrow, what are they having you ask....leftover pizza from tonight....not only am I selfish...I am also lazy!
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